Minamaze theme CSS for links

Links to show and hover in content of Minamaze WP.org theme.
And get the header menu to show up on phones.

CSS success:

/* header main menu show for phones*/
#pre-header-search {
/* display: none;*/

/* pages */

#content a {
color: #F33F3F;
text-decoration: none;

#content a:hover {
text-decoration: underline;

#content a:visited {
color: #F33F3F;
text-decoration: none;

/* sidebar widgets only */

.widget a {
color: #F33F3F;

.widget a:hover {
text-decoration: underline;

/* post content only */

article.post a {
color: #F33F3F;
text-decoration: none;

article.post a:hover {
text-decoration: underline;

/* post navs white font in button */

.single span.meta-nav {
color: #fff;

5 thoughts on “Minamaze theme CSS for links

  1. Hi there, thanks for your post. I have been searching high and low for the solution that you’re offering. The silly free Minamaze theme DOES NOT have coloured links!

    I tried following your instructions. Very simply, I only want the links in the body text to be red #F33F3F (unvisited link), but for the life of me I cannot find where to insert the code under CSS stylesheet. I tried inserting the code in a few places but only managed to change the link colour of the menu — which is not what I want. Could you please advise? Thank you so much!!!


    • Hi, I know! It’s crazy. How can anyone tell where the links are? I will review my notes and let you know. It was the first thing I changed, a while back. I’ll be back with you.

      What part of the CSS code above are you using? Don’t use the widgets code. Just use the codes for page, content, and post. Not the widget codes.

      It doesn’t matter where you place the code.

      Are you using a child theme? I use this plugin to create them and edit. So easy works fantastically : https://wordpress.org/plugins/child-theme-configurator/


      • I did not create a child theme.
        I tried putting the code wherever I thought suitable in CSS Stylesheets, but nothing happened!
        Then I saw on a wp support thread to put the code in the Theme customiser, and it worked! So happy! But it seems like it turns ALL links to #F33F3F, even though that’s not what I want (i.e., the links in comments, menu bar, breadcrumb, etc…) So far I’ve only tried the code for pages, because I’m still building the site and don’t have posts yet.

        Thank you for your reply, really appreciate it.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Glad it worked! You’re not done yet!! Trust me.

      1). As far as everything changing link color, did you use all of the code or part? The code is broken down into parts, so if you don’t use all of it, it should work workout changing everything. Let me know what parts of the code you used?

      2). And you MUST get something to keep your CSS code additions that you add in a seperate place. If you only use that area in WP to add code to, your code will be overwritten when you update the theme. And you will have to go through this again. Let me know, I will give you a simple solution with an easy to use plugin.


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